Forex for Beginners

Learn to play the market by playing a game Learn to play the market by playing a game

Forex is a complicated system which still often confounds people with years of trading... 

Forex trading – Do it your way! Forex trading – Do it your way!

There have been some extremely successful traders in the history of the various markets,... 

Picking the right Forex broker for you Picking the right Forex broker for you

Playing the Forex market is something which more and more people are doing today,... 

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Trading in the Market

Where do you get your Forex data? Where do you get your Forex data?

The systems of compilation for Forex data vary a great deal. There are as many different... 

How does technical analysis work? How does technical analysis work?

Technical analysis of currency movements is now, more than ever, part of the Forex... 

Fundamental Analysis of the Forex Market Fundamental Analysis of the Forex Market

It is broadly accepted that there are two ways to analyze the Forex market. These... 

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Forex Tips

Bulls and Bears – oh my! Bulls and Bears – oh my!

Anyone who has flicked through the financial channels on their cable TV box without really stopping to listen to what is being said will probably be occasionally confused by references to “bulls” and “bears”. These terms are common parlance in trading situations, and can be heard or read in any market analysis if you stay tuned long enough.... [Read more of this article]

Things to keep in mind for Forex traders Things to keep in mind for Forex traders

There is plenty of risk involved in trading on just about any market. Hostile conditions can leave you high and dry if you do not have the knowledge required to get out of a risky position at the right time. On the other hand, over-reaction to a temporary situation can put you in an equally tough situation, so it is worth keeping some things in mind ... [Read more of this article]

The reliability of trending data The reliability of trending data

When making an investment in the Forex market – or indeed cashing out of one – it is common to use the trending patterns of the currency that you are trading. This is data that has been collected over a period of time – in many cases over the course of years, even decades. Knowing how to read the data effectively can make you a lot of money, or... [Read more of this article]

Who plays the Forex Market? Who plays the Forex Market?

Of all the different trading markets available in the world, there are some which are highly specialised and only attract the real niche experts, and others which attract a broad range from occasional traders to people who do it for a living. Of these two categories, the Forex market falls very much into the latter, and there are a number of ways that... [Read more of this article]

The Perils of Over-Reacting The Perils of Over-Reacting

Trading on the Forex market is something that can be quite thrilling, such is the potential for making real money. For many people, the thing that attracts them about the Forex market is exactly the same thing that can turn them off it – that is to say the high stakes which exist. Successful trading can make you very rich very quickly, but a bad trade... [Read more of this article]

The Data of the Forex Market The Data of the Forex Market

Being able to read the comprehensive and constantly-updating information that flashes across the screen in any investment banking firm or hedge fund is tantamount to forgetting the English language and learning to speak it all over again, from scratch. There is so much complicated information on the screen at any given time that it can be rather daunting... [Read more of this article]

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