Bulls and Bears – oh my!

January 14, 2021 by  
Filed under Forex Tips

Anyone who has flicked through the financial channels on their cable TV box without really stopping to listen to what is being said will probably be occasionally confused by references to “bulls” and “bears”. These terms are common parlance in trading situations, and can be heard or read in any market analysis if you stay tuned long enough. They are not references to sports teams, nor to a traveling zoo visiting a trading floor, but rather to styles of market.

A “bull” market is, in short, a market on the rise. It is characterised by a great deal of investor confidence, which can carry on for an indefinite period of time. When a currency breaks its resistance level, it is expected to continue rising, to move with a singularity of purpose. This is much like the way a bull is characterised. Additionally, it triggers herd behavior, as more and more investors will join in and invest more. The term “bull market” is therefore a good definition of a market behaving confidently.

“Bear” markets, on the other hand, are the exact opposite of bulls. Where prices fall and the investor mood is negative, the support level may be broken and the price will continue to fall. The most common explanation for the terminology here is that when a bear attacks its prey, it tends to do so by striking downwards. For a true bear market to be declared, a majority of currencies need to fall, however a single currency can be described as behaving “bearishly”.

Things to keep in mind for Forex traders

January 7, 2021 by  
Filed under Forex Tips

There is plenty of risk involved in trading on just about any market. Hostile conditions can leave you high and dry if you do not have the knowledge required to get out of a risky position at the right time. On the other hand, over-reaction to a temporary situation can put you in an equally tough situation, so it is worth keeping some things in mind

  • Firstly, remember that you are trading with borrowed money. Before you make your first real trades, open a demo account and use that to test your instincts. Once you are making profits consistently you can switch to trading real money – and will be much less likely to lose it. If you have encouraging early results, do not be tempted to jump right in – this is not the time for high risks.
  • Be consistent. It is easy to get carried away if you feel that a position is destined to bring you a profit. You may think inwardly that you have a stop-loss point of no return, but when the currency hits that price you flinch and convince yourself that it is coming back up. You might as well not have set the limit in the first place, then. Have realistic targets and stick to them.
  • Choose your broker wisely. There are some Forex brokers who use legally or morally questionable tactics to guarantee a profit and there is no-one they will not sell out – yourself included. Ask around for tips, and follow the advice that keeps coming up.

The reliability of trending data

December 30, 2020 by  
Filed under Forex Tips

When making an investment in the Forex market – or indeed cashing out of one – it is common to use the trending patterns of the currency that you are trading. This is data that has been collected over a period of time – in many cases over the course of years, even decades. Knowing how to read the data effectively can make you a lot of money, or save you from making a catastrophic loss. The way that you go about investing can make a big difference, and it is advised that you do not ignore the lessons of history. However, can it be said that the historic data is foolproof?

Well, the only true answer to that question is “no”. Very few things in this world are 100% certain, and anything that is so certain is not going to be a sound basis for investment because it will never move in terms of value. As far as is possible, the most popular methods of data analysis within the Forex market can be very reliable and aid a profit strategy, but you must accept that they carry a certain risk. That risk is reduced the longer a period of data collection continues. However it is important to be aware that the lower the risk, the lower the potential reward becomes.

It is fair to say that any sound strategy needs to have a basis in data. The more data you have, the more comprehensive your strategy. You need to be aware at the point of investment however that there is a chance your strategy will fail, no matter how much data went into creating it. This does not mean the data was bad, just that on this occasion the market won.

Who plays the Forex Market?

December 16, 2020 by  
Filed under Forex Tips

Of all the different trading markets available in the world, there are some which are highly specialised and only attract the real niche experts, and others which attract a broad range from occasional traders to people who do it for a living. Of these two categories, the Forex market falls very much into the latter, and there are a number of ways that you can get a good grounding in the ways of the market without risking any of your own money. There is a dizzying amount of money spent on the market in any given day – upwards of three trillion dollars – and money traded on the market makes a big difference in the world of finance.

While its seriousness as a market ensures that the more experienced traders will keep a close eye on the Forex, it is also seen as an accessible way to get involved in trading for people who have never tried, or have tried but found other markets to be way too complicated. With the Forex, everyone knows what they are trading – “Dollars” and “Euros” are not exactly obscure brand names – and this allows them to understand it more before they get deeply involved.

The truth is that anyone can play the Forex market, although it goes without saying that the more skilled and more experienced you are as a trader, the more money you can stand to make. It is certainly a trading market that is easier to understand than many, and this has its blessings and its drawbacks.

Learn to play the market by playing a game

December 9, 2020 by  
Filed under Forex for Beginners

Forex is a complicated system which still often confounds people with years of trading experience. Knowing how a situation usually resolves itself does not mean that you will be able to correctly predict how it will resolve itself every time. The market data is an excellent way of judging what the situation is at any given time. It is also as good a way as you will find of predicting future market behavior. Nonetheless, it is not a guaranteed predictor and consequently even the most experienced traders sometimes make a mess of things.

The less experience you have – in anything – the more likely you are to have the wrong reaction to a given situation. If this is in a golf match, then all that rests on your mistake is a little personal pride. On the Forex market, it can end up costing you real money. It is therefore massively important that you have as much knowledge to back up your every decision as you possibly can. One way of accruing knowledge without making costly mistakes and potentially bankrupting yourself is to start by playing online Forex games. These are a kind of simulator which closely reflects the real-life market and tells you how good your instincts are – without ruining you if you make a mistake.

There are Forex games available on the Internet which run entirely free of charge. There is obviously some variation in quality, and you should ensure that you check out more than a couple before committing to one. The more experience you gather before playing for real, the better your chances of making real money in the future.

The Perils of Over-Reacting

December 9, 2020 by  
Filed under Forex Tips

Trading on the Forex market is something that can be quite thrilling, such is the potential for making real money. For many people, the thing that attracts them about the Forex market is exactly the same thing that can turn them off it – that is to say the high stakes which exist. Successful trading can make you very rich very quickly, but a bad trade can wipe your profit out in the blink of an eye. Having a negative experience early on can cause a trader to decide not to return to the trading arena. Even the fear of something going wrong can put the brakes on a promising trading career.

It is completely human to be cautious early on in your trading career, in fact, being over-cautious is better than being reckless, because as beneficial as a daring strategy can be, if you suffer a major loss early on in your trading career it can put the thought of failure in your mind on every future trade. You will, in all likelihood, lose leverage from your broker, and you may also become prone to a kind of paralysis which prevents you from trading at all. However, this does not mean that you should react hastily to any drop in the market because every market undergoes corrections from time to time. A short drop is not always the precursor to a crash, and judging the right time to stop your loss is something you will learn to do with experience.

Forex trading – Do it your way!

November 22, 2020 by  
Filed under Forex for Beginners

There have been some extremely successful traders in the history of the various markets, people who have made so much money in fact that they have been able to retire before the age of thirty in some cases. Whether the idea of being retired before you are even half way to the legally-mandated retirement age thrills or terrifies you, it has to be said that there is a real upside to having the opportunity. If we could all do what those super traders have done, we would surely do it, giving us more time to spend with loved ones. It probably comes as no surprise that such a way of operating is impossible.

As impressive as the idea of making billions and quitting before the market has the chance to take it back may be, we cannot just ape the actions of past successful traders and expect that to work for us. The market is constantly changing, and things that were true yesterday, a month ago or before we were even born are not necessarily so now. You need to find your own way, and this is as true of market trading as it is for anything else. As much as any other reason, this is true because sometimes you need to react instinctively. If you have been following someone else’s strategy, then you’ll be sunk because you do not have their instincts. Play it your way – learned through years of effort if needs be – and you will have a much greater chance of making a fortune.

Where do you get your Forex data?

November 22, 2020 by  
Filed under Trading in the Market

The systems of compilation for Forex data vary a great deal. There are as many different types of collation as you can reasonably imagine, and some of these methods have been proven over time to be, if not foolproof, then at least incredibly informative. Access to the right data is important in ensuring as high a possibility of success in your trading as you possibly can. This kind of data is freely available, but what information you can glean from it is inevitably limited as it will be full of figures that carry varying levels of relevancy. Raw data is useful only in so far as you can be bothered wading through the masses of information to find only the best predictors.

The data that will be truly useful to a trader is the information produced in a quickly readable form using only the data that is absolutely relevant. This comes in the form of charts and graphs, and this kind of data is available in up-to-date form from any good broker. There are historic Forex charts freely available on the Internet, and these can be used in order to help you understand market patterns. Once you sign up with a broker you will have more recent information, which is absolutely essential for forming a strategy. Your broker will also (usually) give you the chance to have a “practice account” which tests your reading of the data so that any mistakes you make are relatively harmless. In this way you can learn to read the data proactively and safely.

The Data of the Forex Market

November 13, 2020 by  
Filed under Forex Tips

Being able to read the comprehensive and constantly-updating information that flashes across the screen in any investment banking firm or hedge fund is tantamount to forgetting the English language and learning to speak it all over again, from scratch. There is so much complicated information on the screen at any given time that it can be rather daunting for a novice or even for someone who feels that they know quite a lot about private finance.

Learning to decipher the data in the forms in which it comes to you can be a test for anyone. It is important to find, first of all, something that makes sense to you in its present form. From that it is often possible to extrapolate a little bit more information. Before really throwing yourself into Forex trading though, it is hugely important to read everything you can find on all the different ways of collating data, how to arrange the information and what parts of that information to set the most store by.

Some charts will tell you how the market has been changing over the last day, and sometimes it will also include information on how the price has trended over a period of five, ten, even twenty days. There is data that allows you to predict when a market will stabilise or fall, or even rise, and how to arrange your investments in reference to that information. Knowing how to read all this information won’t make you a billionaire, but it will help you to get a head start.

Learn the lessons of history – good and bad

November 2, 2020 by  
Filed under Forex Tips

The world in which we live is constantly changing. Physically, morally, financially, things which we held to be true ten years ago have in many instances ceased to be the case. However, this does not mean that we cannot learn from the past. After all, a wise man once said these words, or something close: “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it”. In other words, unless you learn from your mistakes you stand an excellent chance of making the same mistakes again. In fact, one could go further and say that you should also learn from the mistakes of other people. It is true that you can learn much more from a mistake than you can from something flawless.

It is, then, an excellent idea to keep a watch for the same data cropping up time and again in the Forex market. Where before you might have been led to believe that a certain market was going a certain way, and followed what the data suggested, you may well have found that that action was ill-advised. When the conditions reoccur you should be highly cautious of reacting in the same way – the potential drawbacks for you could be just as negative, if not more so.

It is much better for you to do your research and be initially cautious when it comes to trading on the market. After a while of intelligent conduct you may well have earned yourself enough money to put by for security, and let your instincts dictate your actions for a while to see if they make you as much money as you expect.

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